iGigaSwitch 1606 HSR SFP-6VI AC HW5
iGigaSwitch 1606 HSR SFP-6VI AC HW5
Aginode LANactive Industry iGigaSwitch 1606 HSR is part of the LANactive Industry product portfolio and is designed for installing robust and reliable networks in harsh environment. LANactive Industry iGigaSwitch 1606 HSR is designed to provide maximum network availability, security, longest lifetime in harsh environments and making a network maintenance easier.
- Aginode ref: 88306476
- 16 ports in total, 10x RJ45 and 6x SFP ports
- 2x SFP ports for Zero-Loss Redundancy (HSR/PRP)
- Optionally with integrated I/O module
- IEC 61850 compliancy is tested and certified by KEMA/DNV-GL
- Wide operating temperature range: -40 ... +70°C
- Wide input power range 90 ... 264V AC or 127 ... 370V DC