
LANmark-OF Singlemode OS2 Cables: technical specification




ISO/IEC 11801

Singlemode OS2 cables with low water peak, Bend insensitive singlemode fibre (G.652.D & G657A1)

Singlemode OS2 cables from Aginode Cabling Solution are cables with full spectrum fibres and provide enhanced performance across the entire 1260 nm to 1625 nm wavelength range. Due to its long-term low attenuation at the 1383 nm water peak region the fibres allow operation in the expanded band (wavelength across 1360 to 1480 nm).
Its full-spectrum capability allows use of lasers for WDM technologies, helps to maximise return on investment due to increased fibre capacity and enables flexible network design.

The fiber is a bending loss insensitive single-mode optical fibre, which is suitable for use in the access networks, including inside buildings at the end of these networks.

Key performance characteristics

  • Full spectrum fibre for laser use in wavelength range 1260 nm up to 1625 nm.
  • Low attenuation values across entire wavelength range
  • Reliable long term low attenuation at 1383 nm water peak region for expanded fibre capacity through use of higher number of channels or enabling of wavelength multiplexing (DWDM and CWDM).
  • Full compatibility and interoperability with installed fibre base, including standard singlemode fibre according to ITU-T G652A, B, C and D.
  • Bend insensitive fibre as per ITU-T G657A1

Standardization and compliances for LANmark-OF Singlemode OS2

  • ITU-T as fibre type G.652.D and G657A1
  • Singlemode OS2 cable defined in ISO/IEC 11801 amendment 2
  • IEC 60793-1 Measurement Methods and Test procedures
  • IEC 60793-2-50 as fibre type B1.3 and B6_a1



